The Week of Terror


Welcome to this week’s Retro Recap, where we take timeless lessons and apply it to modern day life.

[Read Time: 2 Minutes]

Todays Recap:

  • My storytelling method

  • A crazy school week

  • Jungian Philosophy

How I Flipped The Storytelling Method

Storytelling is hard

Scientific storytelling is even harder

I mean, what does it even me??

But here’s what I know

I like science and I study it daily

So now what I do is go to my friend “Notion”

Open a blank page…

…and start writing whatever comes to mind

Here’s what it looks like:

As you can tell…its pretty new so far

Stop writing for twitter, start writing for yourself

The Week of Terror

My lab results (do they look nice?)


This week was such a pain

Two back to back exams (Wednesday + Thursday)

And then a four hour lab?!

No wonder we all have bags under our eyes

But it taught me a valuable lesson…

The power of time blocking

Despite this catastrophe…

…I was still able to post on youtube and twitter for the week

While also free-writing everyday

Its all possible, you just need to fix up the schedule

Quick tip: Plan out your mornings and devote all your effort to finishing all your work in the mornings

Carl Jung’s Individuation

“Individuation is to divest the self from false wrappings” - Carl Jung

Carl Jung goes down as one of the greatest psychologist/psychiatrist

He is responsible for popularizing the term Individuation which states…

…that the goal of life is to deviate back to the self

Which in a way is what is preached by many when it comes to personal branding: authenticity

But there’s a lot more

He is also responsible for the 12 archetypes that many brands have used to hone in on their target audience.

Reply to this email, if you’d like me to make a deeper post on this topic

Hope you enjoyed this recap!

Till next time,
