How a walk can change your life...


Welcome to this week’s Retro Recap, where we take timeless lessons and apply it to modern day life.

[Read Time: 4 Minutes]

Todays Recap:

  • Dan Koe’s Case Study

  • A Rainy Day’s Lasting Effects

  • David Goggin’s Hero

Dan Koe’s Genius Ideas - Free Challenge Landing Page

case study of the key aspects, you can access the entire landing page here

A Rainy Day’s Lasting Effects

picture from the week with philosophical contexts

It was on this past Friday, when I finished my classes and I took a quick lunch break before heading home on campus.

I sat there and had a call with a friend about our plans of how we were going to study for our exams this coming week.

Once the meal and the call was over I started to walk to the door to get to my car, which is parked on the other side of the campus at this garage.

It was pouring outside

Now, normally I would’ve stayed inside to wait it out, but I was on a time restraint

So I did the next more logical option: Walk

I came to this garage soaked, but with a new perspective

Even though I was in major discomfort from my clothes and bag, it left me wanting more

And this perspective change is symbolized in this picture, I simply wanted to capture the moment and keep it forever.

David Goggin’s Hero

a weekly quote + lesson

Quote: “The hero is you” - David Goggins


This week I indulged in two podcasts (JRE, Chris Williamson) that featured the resilient David Goggins.

David Goggins started off as a 300 pound man standing at 6’1 with no life goals or purpose. To join the Navy he lost majority of his weight and came down to 191 pounds.

In our modern day life and especially on social media we tend to observe and envy the lives of others.

This slowly deteriorates our own well being and diminishes any drive towards goal setting.

Seeing David Goggins have this unbelievable transformation and finding a purpose to his life in the form of developing a iron mind, has helped many (including me) realize that anything it possible.

David Goggins is a role model for all of us, he embodies the fact that change is always possible.

No matter the circumstance.

Hope you enjoyed this recap!

Till next time,
