Turning Impossibilities Into Possibilities

I'm going to be honest with you

X was not my first rodeo

Back in 2022 I scoured the internet looking for quick ways to make a lot of money.

The first thing I dropped my eyes on was drop shipping - I was immediatley sold.

It meant I could sell products online without holding any stock.

In 1 week I found a “winning product” and started planning ideas for ads I could run on Facebook and Instagram.

I opted in all the courses

I bought several books

I reached out to mentors

And there I was - 4 months into my journey but never actually setting up my first store

(I quit before I even got the chance to start)

This taught me a valuable lesson that most people will never come to realize.

Why You’ll Always Be Average

When you begin chasing something that is outside the norm you are bound to be judged. It's not something you can avoid - you’re doing something no one else is willing to do: you’re taking a chance on yourself.

Many people start understanding that and quit. It's the idea that because of the fact that it is outside the norm they are more likely to fail, and they are.

But like all paths you take - there will be problems regardless. The more time you stand on the sidelines, the more problems will pile up on the main track.

My professor always told us:

“To go down the right path, you must be able to go down the wrong path.” - Professor Borgon

As a researcher - he is always backtracking his actions to understand where he can change directions to find success.

The path takes you down more failures than you’ll expect. It takes at least 4 years to get a PhD and up to 7 if you’re pursuing hard sciences.

But after all those failures, now he's an award winning professor and avid researcher.

Redefining Failure

💡 Failure: a lack of success

That's how easily it is defined, it's nothing more than a lack of success. But success is NOT a lack of failure.

Failure scares us - all of us.

The judgment that comes along with failure paralyzes us from many opportunities and keep us hidden behind our persona.

💡 Persona: the mask that we wear to hide our true selves.

But its not our fault, this is how society conditioned us.

Throughout our lives we have been rewarded for participation.

That football game

That spelling bee

That science fair

All events where we were awarded equally for unequal distributions of effort. It softened us by teaching us to celebrate our failures and ignoring the path to success.

But now you have the ability to assess that position and realize that this is not where you want to be.

Leave that participation trophy for someone else, and venture out into the unknown.

The unknown - full of failures…

Don't worry, you won’t be alone

The Real Power of Mentors

You can put as much effort as you want, but you won't find success until you start moving in the right direction.

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you." — Bob Proctor

Now on X there are many different role models that:




They teach you what you don’t know

They inspire you to apply those same teachings

They reveal to you what you already know but are afraid to apply

In every circumstance you are ignorant

Ignorant of your own capabilities to perform a difficult task. This is the real role of your mentor - to show you what you can achieve with your current skill sets.

There are many things that you can achieve that you haven’t even begun to realize.

Your mentors will confirm the thoughts you already have spinning around your head.

They will be a guiding light for you to achieve the dreams that you were always capable of achieving.

This leads to self realization which further leads to self actualization.

Self realization will teach you to realize your own potential

Self actualization will teach you to achieve that potential

Unwinding Loopholes

💡 Loopholes: overthinking a certain method through excessive planning and little to no commitment

When your mind is plagued with loopholes, you question every thought. Every idea is suppressed because of the limits you impose on your own mind/body.

Here's how you begin unwinding them:


Of the idea that whichever path you go down there is always going to be a problem that you will face.

Isolation is not the answer either. The more you try to escape the problems society throws at you, the more of a problem you yourself will become.


Accepting the idea that you will fail and looking forward to failing. Being able to affirm yourself of your own ideas and acting on them.

Your biggest enemy is not failure, its your reaction to failure. Start embracing failure with open arms, and it will embrace you back.


Using your set of mentors that you pull ideas from to confirm your preexisting ideas. That confirmation will give you the courage to act.

This is as simple as making a list of all the people you look up to on X, use them as a guide to understand your own mind.

Question all their posts and make connections between their ideas and yours.


Using the confirmation and affirmation to escape the self torments of failure. Actionizing your plan in small daily steps that compound to your biggest life goal.

This can be anything related to lifestyle and business. Think of this big goal anytime you proceed to achieve a small goal.

With this new found plan of action you will have the ability to envision your dream lifestyle-

-and start actualizing that profound dream into reality.

So don’t give up yet, I’m by your side

Talk to you soon
