Redefining Your Life

I hated school.

It taught me some of the worst life lessons.

At 14, instead of worrying about my health I would be focusing on grades.

Day after day I slept less and worked more.

Even pulling all-nighters weekly.

Just to:

Study for one more exam

Finish one more assignment

Create one more presentation

It was these lonely, stressful nights that highlighted my schooling experience.

It became my standard routine.

Every morning I was forced to get ready at 6 AM and sit in a bus that was too small - usually stuck sitting on the floor.

I would get to school, go to class, go to lunch, and take that small bus back home.

It was that cycle that haunted me.

Fast forward 4 years and here I am - still in school.

But now I do less work than I ever did while taking harder classes.

“One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important”

- Bertrand Russell

It was this realization that got me here

The Building Blocks

💡 Work: activity involving mental or physical effort done to achieve a result

This is the most basic definition of work

💡 Rest: activity involving ceasing mental or physical effort

This is the most basic definition of rest

Why does this matter?

Because this is how society views these words while promoting 8+ hours of daily work.

8 hours = 480 minutes = 28,800 seconds

Thats how long the average child spends in school

Thats how long the average employee spends at his job

It's these stats that bother me


As we all know - anything in excess tends to be bad

This includes both rest and work

If you work too much you neglect your health and relationships

If you rest too much you neglect your wealth and education

Your life is perfect when everything is balanced.

Getting to this stage is much harder than you think.


It's subjective.

It's obscure.

It's relative.

What one person does...another avoids doing

This is where self experimentation comes in - no one is identical to you.

Being able to self experiment also means being able to find clarity in your goals.

Your Biggest Goal

We all have a dream unique to us.

Whether that's liberty, autonomy, or gucci shoes…your goal is to capitalize on this dream.

Whether it's changing the education system or isolating yourself on a remote mountain.

Unconsciously we fuel all our actions with this dream in mind.

So why not do it consciously?

Write down your dream (no matter how big)

Break it down into 5 year goals

Break that down into yearly goals

Break that down into monthly goals

Finally break that down into daily goals

From now on every single day you will work towards that big goal consciously.

Every action you take

Every decision you make

Every connection you build

All pinpointing to a reality you dream of.

Then watch this reality build itself around you.

But you will deal with some resistance.


Imagine you could redefine any word.

Actualize that feeling as if it is true - it is.

The idea of redefining a word isn’t about changing its core meaning - its about seeing it in a different perspective.

One relevant redefining shift is the idea of the 4 hour work day.

The idea changes the perspective of work while still maintaining the core idea

With the right definitions you can find the right success

Where To Start

Once you have your biggest goal in mind… start using it as a lens to form your unique perspectives.

As you build these perspectives and identify the steps you need to take’ll realize what shift you’ll need to achieve those daily steps.

This goes beyond the idea of work

Start framing every single core concept in your unique perspective.

Redefine rest.

I see rest as a way to unplug myself from society - long walks, and books.

You might see rest as a way to understand society and thus observe people passing through the local coffee shop.

The key idea here is that you will only find success once you begin to understand that life is not one sided. The only way you can bring things to reality is by doing it in your unique way.


Phase 1

Start by building out your biggest goal

Break it down into bite sized pieces

Draw connections between those bite sized pieces

Understand what you need to do every single day

Redefine work in a perspective of getting those tasks done

It doesn’t matter if it takes 2, 4, or 8 hours.

Phase 2

Redefine the idea of rest

What is rest to you?

Become clear with the division between work and rest

Use this clarity to build solid schedules - make every single action intentional

This process can take weeks or months

But it's the only choice we have… if we want to achieve that big goal.

Talk to you soon
