Creating a System


➤ Starting at a blank screen for hours?

➤ Struggling to batch out content?

➤ Creating consistently bland content?

You need a system!

So let me share what I have been working on myself

This past week has been a week of recollection

Its been the first week of documenting my raw thoughts

I have created a folder where I simply write down everything I think of

As sort of an archive that I can always go back to and utilize

And I believe that is the first point in a system


By being aware of my real life thoughts I can begin to form connections between them

I can draw onto the thoughts and deepen their biological meaning

So the first challenge of today is…

Write down your thoughts

Everything that peaks your interests from

  • Relationships

  • Experiences

  • Podcasts

  • Books

And value those moments, the more you do the easier they will come

At the end of the day I categorize these different ideas to make them simpler to find in the future, this can be done by simply niche blocking

The next step is crucial…

Every morning I take one of those raw ideas and analyze it, deepen my understanding, provide references, create connections to my personal life

This is where these basic thoughts that anyone could have… became mine

No longer is there a need to think of others as competition and no longer is there a need to sit there staring at an empty screen for hours

So the next step is…


This is where you take your raw thoughts and turn them into ideas, lets say you are watching a podcast and something sticks out to you.

Go ahead and write that thought down, then the following day you can choose to rework that thought into a novel idea.

This entire system is not meant to take you long, so I will quickly sum it up here.


You can’t expect to make original content on all your posts, you need to repurpose your content all the time.

This newsletter is my top funnel, its all fresh thoughts in my mind taken into writing.

I use these ideas for podcasts, blogs and tweets.

To do this you need a wide ranging idea that you tackle.

At the moment as you can see I am tackling the idea of bland content, by providing a solution.

I can make a dozen tweets with this idea alone and create a 2 hour+ podcast on this topic.

And I will!

That’s the beauty of it!

The more I repurpose the content the more I gain from it and the more in depth I go into the various perspectives that outline the topic.

There’s never one side to anything.

Start flipping the object around like a 3-D molecule

Observe it in all directions.

That’s all from me today…

Till next week,
